To all practitioners

Nicky Hockly



Who is she?

Nicky Hockly  is a well-known author,  teacher trainer, academic director, consultant and international plenary speaker who  describes herself as ‘a technophobe turned  technophile’.

Professional life

Nicky is Director of Pedagogy at The Consultants-E, and has been a member of the Editorial Board of the TESOL Journal, a member of the Oxford University Press ELT Expert Panel, and a consultant for the Cambridge University Press ‘Cambridge English Teacher’ platform. She became one of The Consultants-E's Founding Directors in 2003. She currently lives in Barcelona, Spain. (source)

She holds an MA in TEFL from the Universidad de Granada (2000), a CTEFLA (1987),a DTEFLA (1991) and is currently undertaking doctoral studies at the University of Warwick. From 1997 – 2002, she worked as Academic Director with a consortium of Spanish and Latin American universities under the auspices of Funiber (Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana) for one of the first fully online MA programmes in English Language Teaching. (source)

Her long-term professional interest in the application of technology to language teaching has led to the publication of many leading books and articles, conference papers and academic programmes on using technology in language teaching and distance learning.


Nicky’s professional interests include virtual training and mentoring, designing and tutoring on online courses and providing professional development services to large educational institutions, as well as consultancy projects in many countries. She believes technology is a tool to develop learning and support creativity, interaction and communication, which can enable and enrich the professional development of teachers.

Biographical Source


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Nicky Hockly

Recommended books

How Children Fail.

John Holt

1964. London: Penguin Books. (source)

A classic in the field of children’s education, I read this book not long after my trilingual daughter started talking. To my mind, this is a fascinating book for parents, teachers and anyone interested in child psychology and education.

The Study of Second Language Acquisition.

Rod Ellis

1994. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (source)

I first read this when studying for an MA in the late 1990s, and found it to be an excellent introduction to and overview of SLA research.

E-Moderating: The Key to Teaching and Learning Online.

Gilly Salmon

2000. London: Kogan Page. (source)

One of the first books written for educators about how to make online learning interactive. I started teacher training 100% online in 1997, and this book helped me enormously in learning how to create interesting and engaging online tasks.

From Blogs to Bombs: The Future of Digital Technologies in Education.

Mark Pegrum

2009. Crawley, Western Australia: UWA Publishing. (source)

An engagingly written, wide-ranging and well-researched look at learning technologies at the time when Web 2.0 was becoming a thing. I couldn’t put it down.

Educational Technology: Assessing its Fitness for Purpose. In The Cambridge Guide to Blended Learning.

Scott Thornbury

2016. M. McCarthy (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (source)

A chapter that pulls together what we know about SLA research and applies it to learning technologies through twelve principles. Essential reading for anyone interested in critically evaluating the use of education technology against what we know about how languages are learned.

Place in HLT

Nicky Hockly’s focus on the role of technology in the classroom and in distance learning is a unique contribution to the field, as a tool that fosters creative and meaningful communication as well as teachers’ professional development in the 21st century. She has helped teachers to go beyond the technological surface of modern communication tools in order to enable and empower learners in all parts of the world.

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