Mario Rinvolucri
Behind the White Screen
Towards the Creative Teaching of English
Challenge to Think, Teacher's Edition
Grammar in Action: Awareness Activities for Language Learning
Once Upon a Time: Using Stories in the Language Classroom
Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective and Drama Activities for EFL Students
The Q Book. Practising Interrogatives in Reading, Speaking and Writing
Dictation: New Methods, New Possibilities
The Confidence Book: Building Trust in the Language Classroom
More Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective and Movement Activities for EFL Students
Grammar Works 1 Student's Book
Ways of Doing: Students Explore Their Everyday and Classroom Processes
66 Grammatikspiele. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. (Lernmaterialien)
Humanising Your Coursebook. Activities to Bring Your Classroom to Life
Using the Mother Tongue: Making the Most of the Learner's Language
Unlocking Self-expression Through NLP: Integrated Skill Activities for Intermediate and Advanced Students
Creative Writing: Activities to Help Students Produce Meaningful Texts
Imagine That!: Mental Imagery in the EFL Classroom
Multiple Intelligences in EFL: Exercises for Secondary and Adult Students
English in Mind 6-level series. Teacher's Resource Books
Culture in our Classrooms: Teaching Language through Cultural Content
American English in Mind Starter, Level 1, Level 3. Teacher's Editions
Maturita in Mind Level 2 Teacher's Resource Book (Czech Edition)
Escritura Creativa: Actividades para producir textos significativos en Ele
Profesor con Recursos ¡Imagínate...! CD-ROM: Imágenes mentales en la clase de español
Teaching English to Teens and Preteens: A Guide for English Teachers - With Techniques and Materials for Grades 4-9
Mario Rinvolucri
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Place in HLT
Mario's place in HLT, or dare I say in ELT, is not about size; it's about the power of inspiration. To me, he's like a spider diligently working and creating an invisible but powerful network of amazing people.
I first met him in 2009 in Český Těšín. The only thing I remember from the conference, even today, is his workshop, with Mario sitting in the corner of the classroom. I wondered for years how one simple task (He gave us a sentence to expand only by adding a word before/after the sentence “She loves him”.) could keep us occupied and engaged for 90 minutes with his minimal involvement. Fast forward to 2017, and I found myself having lunch in Mario's garden, about to discover his magic.
And it's like all magic, very simple; he cares for people. No, it doesn't mean he's this eternally benevolent old man. What I mean is, he's human. When talking to you, he is there in his full humanity. Warm, but also occasionally combative; inspirational, as well as judgmental; an attentive listener, but also occasionally dismissive of your opinions. He's a full human being, not pretending to be anything else. With his passion for teaching, he has become a source of endless inspiration and energy for others.
He shows us that being human means caring for others and not worrying about perfectionism. Magic isn't in perfection; magic is in living and teaching while being true to ourselves and the people around us.
What he and James Dixey created when they founded Pilgrims was not simply a business enterprise but a richly creative space shared by a whole host of other talented and dedicated colleagues. Learning and nurturing cooperation are key for Mario because everything starts to move and develop when knowledgeable and committed people work together.