Jeremy Harmer
1982. What is Communicative? ELT Journal 36/3. (source)
1984. Balancing Activities: A Unit-Planning Game. ELT Journal 38/2. (source)
1991. The Cuddle Factor. Practical English Teaching 11/2.
1991. Nine Rules for Listening Interviews. Practical English Teaching 12/1.
1995. Microlight: A Conscious-raising Story for Teacher Training. New Modern English Teacher 4/2.
1995. Taming the Big “I”: Teacher Performance and Student Satisfaction. ELT Journal 49/4. (source)
1996. Is PPP Dead? Modern English Teacher 5/2. (source)
1998. Default Settings - What Models do for Trainees. IATEFL Teacher Training SIG Newsletter 21. (source)
1999. Abide with Me: Change or Decay in Teacher Behaviour? IATEFL TD/TT SIG Joint Newsletter. ISSN 1026-4396
2000. Slaying Dragons: Language Facism and the Art of the Book Review. IATEFL Issues 158.
2001. Coursebooks: A Human, Cultural and Linguistic Disaster? Modern English Teacher 10/3. (source)
2002. Using Coursebooks to Train Teachers. The Teacher Trainer 6/3.
2003. A Virtual Variation. English Teaching Professional 28. (source)
2003. Do your Students Notice Anything? Modern English Teacher 12/4.
2003. Hitching a Ride on a Rocket: What Does IT Really Have to Offer. Proceedings of the 12th ETA-ROC symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.
2003. Popular Culture, Methods, and Context. ELT Journal 57/3. (source)
2004. Review: Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. ELT Journal 58/1. (source)
2006. Engaging Students as Learners. English Teaching Professional 42. (source)
2006. 10 Things I Hate about Powerpoint. The Teacher Trainer 20/3; Humanising Language Teaching 8/3. (source)
2008. Filming and Being Filmed. English Teaching Professional 56.(source)
2008. Doing EFL Terminology the Wiki Way or How to Create a Free, Democratic and Useful Resource. Humanising Language Teaching 10/1. (source)
2009. Is Reading Aloud Allowed? English Teaching Professional 65. (source)
Article Sources
Jeremy Harmer
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“Even before I got to know him personally, Jeremy was a key influence on my thinking about teaching and learning – primarily due to his role in popularising communicative language teaching in the 1980s. Through his books like The Practice of English Teaching (the first edition of which was published in 1983), he introduced a generation of teachers, not just to CLT, but to other – equally innovative – approaches, including humanistic language teaching. Jeremy was never a ‘signed-up’ humanistic practitioner in any doctrinaire sense, but re-reading his take on humanism in the 1991 edition of the book, I am again in awe of his capacity to capture the essence of the movement in a fair and balanced way, without any of the cheap shots (‘touchy-feeliness’!) which characterised my own, less measured, outbursts at the time (blush!). In an email exchange a few years back, in preparation for a talk I was giving, I asked him if he felt he had ‘an agenda’ when he wrote his methodology texts. His answer: ‘Rather boringly, I try not to be seduced by any particular position and my absolute certainties about what we do tend to fluctuate (although core beliefs remain the same I think).’ I would hazard that those core beliefs share a lot with humanism, because, au fond, Jeremy is a humanist, in the small-h sense, and everything he says and writes about teaching is infused with a genuine love of people, and of language learning as a form of self-realisation.”