HLT.digital at Teachers´ Day conference in Bratislava

Teachers’ Day is a one-day conference for teachers of English, taking place on 22 March 2025 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The conference will bring together teachers to share their experiences and knowledge and provide a space to connect with colleagues and friends. At this conference you will have also a chance to meet one of the HLT practitioners – Alan Pulverness who will introduce our website HLT.digital as a valuable resource for teachers.

Walking the Talk: Putting HLT Digital into Practice

HLT Digital (2022-2024) is the output of a transnational Erasmus Plus project, led by The Bridge School and dedicated to preserving and disseminating the history of Humanistic Language Teaching (HLT). The materials, compiled and edited by the project team, comprise an online repository – https://hlt.digital – of profiles and contemporary interviews with practitioners, and archival material from Mario Rinvolucri, together forming a rich resource for researchers investigating the impact and abiding influence of HLT. However, this workshop is designed to explore the practical application to classroom teaching of some of the principles discussed in HLT Digital. We will consider its potential to inform our ways of doing as well as our ways of being as teachers.

Join us for a day of inspiration and learning! Visit the conference website for more details.

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