Video tag: teaching


How do I Know if I am Teaching Humanistically? Marion Rinvolucri, HLT Digital 2023.

By Barbora Gecseová


What Humanism in Language Training Means to Me. Mario Rinvolucri, HLT Digital 2023.

By Barbora Gecseová


What Humanism Means to Me. Jeremy Harmer, HLT Digital 2023.

By Barbora Gecseová


How Humanistic Approaches have Influenced My Work in Teacher Training. Jeremy Harmer, HLT Digital 2023.

By Barbora Gecseová


The Principles of Humanism Today. Chia Suan Chong, HLT Digital 2023.

By Barbora Gecseová


What Humanistic Training Means to Me. Rod Bolitho, HLT Digital 2023.

By Barbora Gecseová


Error Correction. Rod Bolitho, HLT Digital 2023.

By Barbora Gecseová


What Humanism Means to Me. Abeer Ali Okaz, HLT Digital 2023.

By Barbora Gecseová

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