What is depression, medically speaking?

Mario Rinvolucri.
  • Author:
    Mario Rinvolucri.
  • Year:
    Undated (post 2004)
  • Document type:
  • Notes:
    There is a final reflection, signed by Terri and Mario
  • Language:
The text delves into the medical and personal aspects of depression. The World Health Organization defines symptoms like lowered mood, loss of interest, and disrupted sleep. Rinvolucri shares his own battle with clinical depression, stemming from his mother's demise, affecting sleep, appetite, and self-esteem, influencing his role as a language teacher. Despite grappling with recurring episodes, he contemplates the unintended emotional impact on students. The narrative touches on the role of literature and music in comprehending depression. Rinvolucri adjusts his teaching approach, acknowledging the emotional contagion on students. The text highlights the challenges of managing depression in a position of responsibility.
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