Novità sul versante umanistico-affettivo: intervista di Paolo Torresan a Mario Rinvolucri
Mario Rinvolucri.
Author:Mario Rinvolucri.
Submitted/Published by:Unknown
Document type:Article
Notes:The original text is in Italian
The text is the Italian translation of the last draft of an article written by Paolo Tosseran, following an interview with Mario Rinvolucri. The article focuses on the latest developments within Humanistic Language Thinking and Teaching. In the interview, Rinvolucri first discusses the topics of Neuro-Programming and Language teaching. Understanding learning processes can be incredibly useful for teachers, so that they can support students. This, Rinvolucri continues, is the main point of HLT, that of putting the student at the centre of the learning process. The article continues with the interview, where Rinvolucri mentions a variety of teaching approaches and their effective use in language teaching only in so far as the teacher can be flexible and adaptable in their practice. Torresan and Rinvolucri explore learning styles and their role when the teacher plans their activities, as well as multiple intelligences, metacognition and the importance of interpersonal activities in language teaching. The article includes a discussion on ESL school materials and how these can be ‘overly scholastic’, when instead they would benefit from being more about the humans who will use them to learn – they would benefit from being ‘humanised’.

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