Early Writing; Creative Writing

Mario Rinvolucri
  • Author:
    Mario Rinvolucri
  • Submitted/Published by:
    KLETT Magazine
  • Year:
  • Document type:
  • Language:
The Early Writing article emphasizes the importance of having a real audience for young writers. It suggests practical exercises like bilingual letters, collaborative drawing and naming, a five-sentence story, and writing opposites. The author, Mario Rinvolucri, acknowledges diverse teacher reactions and encourages individualized approaches, promoting a balance between fun and serious learning. In the Creative Writing article Rinvolucri discusses teachers' varied perspectives on writing and shares insights from Spanish teachers. The article explores creative writing techniques, such as letters to self, weaving lies into compositions, and letters across the class. Rinvolucri advocates for a balance between form-focused exam preparation and humanistic, communicative writing activities.
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