Creative Writing

Mario Rinvolucri.
  • Author:
    Mario Rinvolucri.
  • Year:
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In the Portonovo 2002 Creative Writing Workshop led by Mario Rinvolucri, key presuppositions include the need for writers to have an audience and the belief that second language (L2) students possess an expressive ability beyond their awareness. Rinvolucri emphasizes the importance of writing in a foreign language to develop inner dialogue, a crucial aspect of language mastery. He presents seven writing class scenarios, such as letter writing, diary-like letters to self, lipogram exercises, and writing under the influence of a known author. Additionally, activities like writing to symbolic others, shedding beliefs, and exploring grammar patterns influencing thinking are proposed. The article underscores the transformative impact of creative writing workshops on language learners, providing a magical experience that enhances harmony within oneself and others.
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